The Bailiwick Express.

Industry: Online Media

We saved the Bailiwick Express 40% on their OPEX Cloud costs by redesigning and optimising their cloud infrastructure.

Implemented Services



The Bailiwick Express used a cloud-based server for their publication. After encountering issues they contacted us to help resolve the issue and then carry out an audit on their existing set up to make recommendations and improvements.

The Challenge.

Bailiwick Express was operating across 3 sites, UK, Jersey, and Guernsey, and had a cloud infrastructure that was split over different cloud providers. Struggling with access to their data, The Bailiwick Express had incorrectly configured elements of their cloud server which caused them issues with accessing their data.

The Solution.

As an initial starting point, we worked to find the cause of the issue Bailiwick Express had while trying to access their data. Looking at the local volume management, we found an issue in the configuration which we quickly rectified.

Following this, we were asked by Bailiwick Express to do an audit of their existing system.

Looking at the infrastructure we designed a new cloud stack that utilised an in-memory cache feature to reduce the demands on the servers which stored the data. By calling back the information from a memory of anything shown to the user in the last two hours as opposed to having to call it back from the server it is stored on, the demands on the server were significantly reduced.

On the newly designed infrastructure, we used 3 very similar stacks so we could automate the deployment of the entire configuration, meaning we could replicate the cloud server environment in the event of anything going wrong.


The implementation of the new in-memory cache meant that the loading of the site was significantly faster for the end-user. Before the switch over to our monitoring platform, the average site response time was 3-4 seconds. Once the migration was completed this was reduced to 200-400 milliseconds, a vast improvement for the average user landing on the homepage.


In addition to the improved user experience due to the improved speed of the content loading, the use of the Varnish Cache allowed us to lower the resources required by each server. This lowered the total monthly running costs by 40% per month.

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